Here you will find the full list of cheat codes for Age of Empires. All codes will also work in Age of Empires: Definitive Edition as well.
Cheat codes
To use the cheat codes, press “Enter” on your keyboard to open the in-game chat window. Then type one of the codes listed below and hit “Enter” to activate.
- pepperoni pizza – 1000 Food
- woodstock – 1000 Wood
- quarry – 1000 Stone
- coinage – 1000 Gold
- reveal map – Reveals the entire map, but does not remove fog of war
- no fog – Removes fog of war
- steroids – Buildings and units are created instantly, but this will affect all players
- homerun – Win the game
- resign – Lose the game
- diediedie – Kills all opponents
- kill[insert number] – Destroys specific player, for example: “kill2” will eliminate player 2
- hari kari – Destroy yourself and lose the game
- bigdaddy – Spawns a black rocket launcher sports car (aka Winsett’s Z), which has a higher attack damage but a slower rate of fire.
- big momma – Spawns a white rocket launcher sports car (aka Winsett’s other Z), which has a higher rate of fire but a lower attack damage.
- photon man – Spawns a laser trooper
- e=mc2 trooper – Spawns a nuke trooper
- pow – Spawns a baby on tricycle with a minigun (aka babyprez)
- stormbilly – Spawns a Zug 209 robot
- convert this! – Spawns a St. Francis unit which summons lightning every 3 seconds (requires temple)
- medusa – Transforms all villagers into Medusas. When one is killed it will turn into a Black Rider and if killed again, the Black Rider will turn into a heavy catapult.
- hoyohoyo – Grants priests 600 HP and speeds them up
- dark rain – Changes bowmen into Stealth Archers, which can walk on water and turn into trees whilst idle.
- upsidflintmobile – Chariot archers move and fire faster
- black rider – All horse archers and cavalry archers turn into a black rider
- icbm – Upgrades the range of ballistas and helepolis to 100
- jack be nimble – Catapults will fire peasants and cows
- big bertha – Changes all stone throwers, catapults, and heavy catapults into Big Berthas, a stronger unit compared to its counterparts.
- flying dutchman – Changes Juggernauts into Flying Dutchman, a ship which can move on land.
- gaia – Gives you control of animals, but you lose control of your own units. This cannot be reversed.
- king arthur – All birds become dragons
- grantlinkspence – Changes all animals into their alpha versions, which are more powerful.